Sannox Hotel Buildings Insurance

Sannox Hotel

Buildings Insurance

Protecting our members’ finances and ownership of their share of the Sannox Hotel  is one of our main principles. This ensures FULL-SHARE works a lot better than the historic, problem prone TIME-SHARE. We do NOT want to go along the time-share route as there are a significant number of pitfalls.

Instead of falling down financial pits or even stumbling with respect to finances, we have developed the FULL-SHARE protocol so that our members have the gold-standard of ownership. A crucial part of that is insurance of the principal financial asset…

^^ Sannox Hotel Building Insurance ^^

Includes £2,000,000 Public Liability.

A signed copy of this document and the insurance policy will be sent to each member of the Sannox Hotel Owners’ Group (100% pure FULL-SHARE certificate ownership via Sannox Hotel Ltd).


Clear Guiding Principles

Here we summarise in straight forward terms, the principles of how “Hotel Room Ownership” works. Including the importance of maintaining the most appropriate and valid insurance policy on the hotel…

(a) Fully insure the building to safeguard our members’ assets.

(b) Make sure Sannox Hotel is always 100% owned by the members. Also that this can be verified 24 hours a day by reference to the UK Government land/building guaranteed-ownership underwriting authority: HM Land Registry.

(c) Allot each member a fully ensuite bedroom to stay in for up to 26 weeks a year. 

(d) Balance that with deploying the room for hotel guest use during the other 26 weeks of the year. All net income accrued from that room and ensuite bathroom facility will be paid (quarterly) to the registered hotel room FULL-SHARE holder.

(e) Full-Share owners can elect any rental period availability to paying guests that they prefer to choose. From 26 to 52 weeks per year renting to guests and receive all the net income from their choice of use intensity of their guest bedroom.

(f) The directors will ensure regular distribution of the rental income from each bedroom to that member; less costs of cleaning, insuring, utility bills, building maintenance etc.

(g) Ensure the Sannox Hotel has NO mortgage on it. Ever.

Well at least NO mortgage whilst we, the members who own the building continue to keep Sannox Hotel in our ownership. That preserves the comfort of having an asset-backed form of FULL-SHARE hotel room ownership

(h) Arrange matters so that members have the best possible availability of financial EXIT ROUTES from owning part of the Sannox Hotel.

Whether that be for some members to buy others out, or to sell a room to other Isle of Arran residents/ holidaymakers who would like to own a place on the island. Or, if the majority of members vote (by legally registered share certificates ~ by simple majority (51%)) to SELL the WHOLE hotel, then we will all follow that exit-route.



MORTGAGE BAN: Mortgage and debt are banned from all of our various project, including the Sannox Hotel renovation/re-opening effort.

Partly because numerous banks employ dishonest crooks that steal their customers assets and sell them by the crooked back door deals to save the bank from collapse. Nice people. Not. If you have any doubt about the veracity of these words, please read the disgusting conduct of RBS (click here), and then our own experience at losing a friend to debt-suicide (click here).

These words were written by Scotslion Ltd and Argyll Group Ltd., managing director, Russ McLean in his personal capacity: Russ McLean has experience as a law officer (here and police career timeline: here ~ until disability (spinal surgery)). Russ struggles to understand why nobody from the infracting bank was arrested. One thing is for sure, Russ McLean will NOT allow these banks to have any financial mortgage nor claim on our group of friends’ Sannox Hotel asset.


^^ Sannox Hotel, Sannox, Isle of Arran, KA27 8JD ^^

90% Renovated.

Final 10% Renovation Under Way After Penultimate

Building Warrant

Click Here

^^ View From Sannox Hotel Across Sannox Bay. Isle of Arran ^^

(Before old dilapidated conservatory demolition + newbuild house)


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