
New Year & New Life

Do You Fancy…

A New Home + A New Job + An Extra Income?

We need help. Someone may be reading this and in helping others, ensure a new and remarkable life for themselves. The following hotel + newbuild house and a newbuild village shop are all for sale. The price is a bargain. Plus the location has an exquisite beauty. This could be your new life:

^^ Sannox Hotel + House + Shop ^^

On The Island of Arran

The hotel had been closed for three years. Our company bought the tired building to renovate it and re-open. The local community have been incredibly supportive. Especially during the planning process.

=> A fulsome planning application was submitted to North Ayrshire Council. Our architect asked to double the number of guest bedrooms. Plus a newbuild owner’s home. New staff accommodation within the building. Also a new village shop. Topped with a complete back-to-bricks renovation.

Remarkably, the local council planning department have been brilliant. They approved all that we asked for. Those who have dealt with planning applications know it is usual for some requests to be rejected. Not this time. A huge array of permissions were kindly given. 

^^ Sannox Hotel + House + Shop ^^

Renovations & Newbuild 90% Completed (1/1/2024).

As of January 2024

Our managing director is keen to get the Sannox Hotel + Newbuild House + New Village Shop completed due to the demand that exists for visitors and local folk. Sannox Hotel is just a few paces from the Glen Sannox road-end where thousands of hill-walkers emerge after a days adventure and desire food, refreshment and usually a bed for the night or week of their island holiday. Sannox Hotel is perfectly located to provide these services.

^^ Sannox Hotel + Bay Cottage + Village Shop ^^

As there is no mortgage on the hotel, the owners are in a position, if needed, to consider providing an additional finance option if required.

Or alternatively, a phased purchase can be arranged…

A]. Sannox Hotel First (£449,000).

B]. Then Bay Cottage (£189,000).

C]. Then The Newbuild Sannox Shop (£129,000).

We are lucky to have renovated over 70 empty shops/office/factories/hotels during the past 37 years as this gives a helpful insight into business-turnaround from unhealthy to flourishing. The owner directors are keen to be available for the new owners if we can be of any assistance.

Sannox Hotel was to be the icing on the cake due to its scenic location and large volume of business. Our managing director knows this because he was brought up at a very busy hotel a short distance along the coast-road in Corrie village.

^^ Ferry Rock Port ^^

There Is A Plentiful Range of Beautiful harbours around the coastline of Arran.

Plus Sannox hotel is midway between the two iisle of Arran’s two ferry terminals whuch mens iver 750,000 folk drive, cycle or walk past the hotel each year.Many of them stop for a meal. A significant number stay for the night or longer.


Vsuffered a stroke following an accident where a 5,000 ton ferry hit him on the head.

nfortunately, our company director who was managing the Sannox Hotel “back-to-bricks” renovation was injured aboard the main island ferry…

^^ The Ferry To Arran: MV Caledonian Isles ^^

Subsequent emergency admission to Ninewells Hospital that evening resulted in a diagnosis of a traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and a stroke. For veracity: click here.

=> Following in-depth family discussion, the aim as of 1st January 2024 is to locate someone (or a couple) who is/are about to secure a rare and valuable “barn find” of a building. Not a dilapidated shell, but one that has been lovingly restored to the cusp of being ready to re-open.

=>The current owners have no mortgage nor debt on the building. So are amenable, if necessary, to assist a new owner with their funding package.

It is this wish of our former managing director to ensure the Sannox Hotel re-opens and is a successful local amenity ready for another 50 years service to the community and visitors to the island.

=> To help the new owners, a financial package to assist the completion of the final 10% of works necessary can be made available.

Plus (remote video conferencing ) guidance where needed. This is from experience of the project and of course the logistics of completing this endeavour on an island.

With respect to the shop, that can be sold to one of the major supermarket chains, thereby reducing the total purchase of the hotel plus the cottage at £449,000 + £189,000.

Whichever set of options suits the new owner is the route we are happy to take. Our over-riding concer is to get the hotel completed and re-opened so that the local community have a place to go fo lunch/dinner and special functions such as weddings etc. Whilst visitor also have a place to stay and the enjoy the facilities that go with it.

Any Questions: Click Here



This Home-Page contains the short, concise description of our Sannox Hotel buildings for sale.

From experience, we know a lot of readers prefer short description executive summaries. Conversely, when we upload a short narrative and 6 photos, we get a lot of folk asking for more information.

So this page has a SHORT summary and at the foot of this page is a lonk to our LONG and VERY detailed description. Especially important to serious buyers who desire as much information as they can locate.

lease note, we will be ADDING a lot of “before” and “after photographs illustrating the major rebuild work at Sannox Hotel and the NEWBUILD of Bay Cottage ~ via linked pages to this summary during the next couple of weeks. So please check back for more details. Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to phone or text via this: click here link.

3rd January 2024

Sannox Hotel For Sale

& Bay Cottage + Sannox Shop For Sale

We bought the closed hotel at Sannox in 2018 and have given it a “back-to-bricks” renovation to the point where 90% of the Planning Permission & Building Warrant work has been completed.

^^ Sannox Hotel: We Had High Hopes ^^

We still do have passionate hope at re-opening this well utilised hotel and much frequented local amenity. For example, as a destination for the thousands of hill-walkers that emerge from a day in the mountains at the Glen Sannox road-end just a few paces away from the Sannox Hotel. They have need of food ad refreshments. many need a bedroom for a few nights rest.

=> The Sannox Hotel Planning Permission was granted in full: allowing the minimal 3 en~suite guest bedrooms to be increased to 6 or 7 en~suite guest bedrooms.

The 6 or 7 bedrooms depends on the owner’s preference when formatting the rebuilt hotel. The room occupancy levels are destined to go from from 6 people (as couples at 2 per bedroom) to as much as 18 guests (12 adults and 6 children maximum in 6 guest bedrooms).

Plus the 8 jobs just awaiting activation on re-opening of Sannox Hotel.

Also a further 4 to 6 jobs at then new shop/supermarket which already has full planning permission.

=> It is a torment that the current owner just has 10% of the Planning Permission and Building Warrant to complete and has become unable to finish this project due to a n accident that caused a stroke.

=> The final furlong will need to be under the stewardship of a new owner.

In addition to Sannox Hotel (£449,000) and Bay Cottage (£189,000), there is the Convenience Store (£129,000) already in progress and with full Planning Permission precedent being set within the environs of the Sannox Hotel site… 


All with beautiful sea views across to Sannox Bay and the sandy beach. The river in front of the hotel, flowing into the sea is from Glen Sannox nearby…


^^ Sannox Hotel + Bay Cottage + Village Shop ^^

A Unique Opportunity For…

A New Year & A New Life

Hopefully, some of the historic ideas that have been proven to increase business will still appeal…

One of Our Ships Available

For Hotel-Based Sea Tours

^^ The Sea Tours Element ^^

^^ Is Not As Certain As It Used To Be ^^

Sea-tours from the hotel is not mandatory in any way.

But it does increase hotel business significantly.

Between 1977 and 1984 the owner of Sannox Hotel was growing up at the nearby Blackrock House Hotel in Corrie village.

^^ Blackrock House Hotel in Corrie, Arran ^^

This is not currently for sale. It is included as a reference photograph from when the owner of Sannox Hotel was growing up at this hotel 47 years ago.

One of his jobs was running a boat hire business out of Corrie Port…

^^ Corrie Port, Isle of Arran ^^

The villages of Corrie & Sannox are virtually twinned with each other.


^^ Ferry Rock ^^

Shelter & Archie Hunter’s Old Post Office At Corrie

These photographs are included to give an idea of the redolent beauty of the area. There are many ports on the island and from experience there is an appetite for tours around the island. As fate would have it, the owner of the Sannox Hotel embarked upon several nautical vocations in his earlier career path. Hence the ability to at least secure the ship and crew required to base a popular facility at the Sannox Hotel, even though he is no longer fit enough to either drive the boat or function the vessel as per his pre-stroke capacity.

Here is the main route that was planned in case the NEW owner of the Sannox Hotel would like to increase the number of customers staying at Sannox Hotel…

^^ Sannox Seatours: Proposed Routes ^^

Map Data Courtesy of : Google, Maxar Technologies

During the current Sannox Hotel owner’s younger days when he was operating boat hire in his teens (and boat tours on a moderately larger vessel) ~ the boat tours and fishing facilities increased the earlier Blackrock House Hotel’s business by 15% a year and crucially, resulted in much repeat business with many guests returning year after year.

Since those times, our group of companies have completed approximately 78 renovation projects across the past 36 years. This is mentioned (and several examples are provided on this website) so that folk can see the body of work and experience in these matters that can be shared with the new owners of the Sannox Hotel to ensure they succeed.


Sannox Hotel

The Full Renovation

This page is an unusual presentation of the Sannox Hotel as the owners are somewhat jaded with estate agency “must be viewed to be appreciated” clichés.

=> We prefer to provide the unvarnished facts and if possible a decent set of “before” and “after photographs featuring the actual work carried out and completed.

Especially as energy prices are now starting to  bankrupt some businesses (including dilapidated/tired old hotels that have not been renovated).

^^ Sannox Seatours: Proposed Routes ^^

As the days of January 2024 go by, we shall be adding separate pages to this website most days, with specific sets of photographs showing the major works that have been completed at the Sannox Hotel. This helps make it into a very viable property within its class. Conversely, there are other hotels for sale where we strongly recommend you study the EPC survey reports. All too often tired and old hotels have an appalling “G” certification. This means very poor or zero insulation.

=> Recently, with electricity and fuel prices rocketing, this extra expense of wasted heating costs can mean the difference between a highly successful hotel, or abject failure.

Hence the process of adding LINKS to new pages dedicated to covering the full rewire, new plumbing, new central heating etc. 

We have spent over £8,000 on insulation at Sannox Hotel….

^^ Insulation By The Lorry Load ^^

For Sannox Hotel

By over-engineering the EPC credentials, a s side benefit is that each bedroom also has new insulation meaning tht at 11pm when you are a guest and trying to get to sleep, at Sannox Hotel, the other guests in neighbouring rooms will not keep you awake with loud television noise near to midnight. Or worse: the noise of acrobatic wrestling in the neighbouring guests bedrooms, distracting you from a good night’s sleep.

^^ Sannox Hotel ^^

Regular Deliveries of Insulation Material

^^ Sannox Hotel ^^

Photographic Example of

Insulation Material Deliveries

We include 4 simple photographs from the 8,000 so far taken of this major renovation. Just to give an idea of what will be recorded for posterity (online) as the major once-in-50-year renovation of a hotel building.

=> The other 7,996 photographs are not going to flood this Sannox Hotel home-page page. But a sizeable selection will be placed for reference and examination on other dedicated pages that will be linked to this main page.

=> These LINKED pages will be provided via an INDEX that will be placed on this main pag. That will help buyers who wish to be particularly thorough access much more information than is normally available from the cynical estate agent that just harps on about “deceptively sppacious cupboards.” That hype is particularly useless.

As with many west coast buildings, when we bought Sannox Hotel, it was an empty, damp and leaky building. But the location and views are exceptionally beautiful. So it has been a pleasure to save the place from permanent closure.

Alas, we were progressing the renovation at a decent rate when an unfortunate event happened (not to the hotel but to one of our directors).

^^ Sannox Hotel: 5 Garden Tables ^^

Alfresco lunches and dinners via 20 to 30 outside covers.

Extra Special Part

Interesting Developments

It should be mentioned that with our neighbour at Caberfeidh putting their large property up for sale, the current owners of Sannox Hotel have been approached by and are in discussions with major supermarket chains from the mainland.

^^ Caberfeidh House & Sannox Hotel ^^

^^ Sannaig Cottage In Between At The Back ^^

There is currently just one large supermarket on the island and two smaller sized versions.

=> The southern part of Arran has all of these 3 supermarkets. The northern half of Arran has no supermarkets. Sannox Hotel has established precedent and certainly has planning permission to build a “Metro” Tesco sized retail outlet.

The numbers for ordinary shops are shocking. The northern end of the island has just one modest shop on the north east and another shop/tea-room on the eastern side of the island (many commercial buildings in the north of Arran have been turned into dwelling houses and holiday homes due to the beauty of the place.

= The southern end of Arran has at least 40 general shop/retail outlets to tin comparison to the 2 in the north end.

The Planning Permission for Sannox Hotel to be granted approval to build a new village shop was supported by around 100 local folk and no objections. The permission was granted promptly on delegated powers. Our group has a solid body of work and shill-set when it comes to opening closed down shops,

So with Caberfeidh coming onto the market, and suitability for supermarket use being established from precedent at Sannox hotel, the developments at this location have become quite interesting. Cabefeidh details can be studied: click here.

^^ Caberfeidh House To The Right ^^

Sannox Hotel (Left) & Sannaig Cottage (Lower Middle)

Separate Caberfeidh Estate Agency Details: Click Here

This places the owner of Sannox Hotel in a very interesting position when it comes to enabling the northern end of the island’s population having an adequate supermarket instead of needing to traipse all the way to Brodick for shopping.

=> Crucially, by setting a precedent where rural hotels can build Tesco “Metro” sized convenience stores in their grounds, it vastly increases their viability and might, just might help stop the plague of hitherto unlicensed Air B&B type facilities from being let off paying their fair share of land taxes.

The draft plans being considered for community and planning office discussion at this point in time are illustrated in the next two plan drawings.

The plans would be to build a Tesco “Metro” sized supermarket, similar in size to the co-op in Lamlash at the south end of Arran…

^^ Lamlash Co-Op Supermarket, Isle of Arran ^^

Photo Courtesy of Tom Brown

Approximately 20% of Caberfeidh House and the land between Caberfeidhe House + Sannox Hotel would be provided for a newbuild Sannox Supermarket in a similar and respectful architectural vernacular to that supermarket which is provided for the residents of Lamlash and its surrounding rural area.

The remainder of Caberfeidh House interior would remain very much as it is now. In fact, the “Annexe” at Caberfeidh’s southern end would make up for any and all of the 2 “lost” rooms at the northern end of Caberfeidh for this newbuild supermarket… 

^^ Proposed Sannox Supermarket: Ground Floor ^^

Copyright Permission: HM Land Registry/RoS: Licence: 100026316.
Copyright Permission: Ordnance Survey: Licence: 100052015.

Both these plans are being amended to reflect the proportion between Caberfihh House STILL existing and the portion of the site given to the proposed “Sannox Supermarket” Please check back on 4th January 2024. Thankyou.

^^ Proposed Sannox Supermarket: First Floor ^^

Copyright Permission: HM Land Registry/RoS: Licence: 100026316.
Copyright Permission: Ordnance Survey: Licence: 100052015.

The current site layout is as per this excerpt of 2nd January 2024…

^^ The Sannox Hotel & Caberfeidh House Layout^^

^^ As At 2nd January 2024 ^^

Copyright Permission: HM Land Registry/RoS: Licence: 100026316.
Copyright Permission: Ordnance Survey: Licence: 100052015.

The new owner/s of Sannox Hotel are under no obligation to purchase Cabefeih House, nor to increase the local amenity value of having a supermarket at the north end of the island.

=> But the current owners of the Sannox Hotel would be delighted if a new owner would progress such an idea.

Alternatively the current owners of Sannox Hotel do have the resources to buy and develop the northern part of Caberfeidh House into a supermarket, whilst leaving the bulk of the house intact as a very nice home…

^^ Caberfeidh House ^^

Separate Estate Agency Details: Click Here

^^ Caberfeidh House ^^

Offers Over: £385,000.

Separate Estate Agency Details: Click Here

^^ Caberfeidh House ^^

Offers Over: £385,000.

Separate Estate Agency Details: Click Here

^^ Caberfeidh House ^^

Offers Over: £385,000.

Separate Estate Agency Details: Click Here

^^ Caberfeidh House ^^

Offers Over: £385,000.

Separate Estate Agency Details: Click Here

^^ Caberfeidh House ^^

Offers Over: £385,000.

Separate Estate Agency Details: Click Here

^^ Caberfeidh House ^^

Offers Over: £385,000.

Separate Estate Agency Details: Click Here

^^ Caberfeidh House + Sannox Hotel Site ^^

It is worth noting that some buyers may wish to build their own apartment (larger than Bay Cottage) and by purchasing Cabefeidh House, this would remedy the issue of a larger family developing the hotel + shop/supermarket.

=> Fortunately the supermarkets chains have their own newbuild project managers and are very well resourced/experienced in developments such as those illustrated on the draft plans immediately above this segment of narrative.

So the disabled director would still be able to semi-retire from work and not worry about Sannox and the north end of the island where he was brought up go, going without a supermarket and fully renovated hotel for the north end of the island.


To Recap

This is the entirety of what is being sold at Sannox right now (January 2024)…

^^ Our Site At Sannox Is To The Right ^^

^^ Our Neighbour’s “Caberfeidh” Is To The Left ^^

We Scotslion Ltd, formerly Argyll Group plc, are selling…

=> Sannox Hotel: £449,000.

=> Bay Cottage: £189,000.

=> Convenience Store: £129,000 (as is).

^^ Sannox Hotel ^^

Plus Neighbouring Property

To The Left of The Hotel (Caberfeidh)

Has Huge Potential For A Deal & Liaison

With Spar/Tesco/Premier/Co-op.

Funds have been set aside to help “bridge” the final works that the new buyer shall need to complete if that proves necessary.

=> It is important to know that we are lucky to have Mr Iain Cook, one of the finest architects we have ever worked with guiding us through the processes with an encyclopaedic knowledge base. We know that the new owner will be in very safe hands with Ian at their side (contact: here).

Ideally the new owner will have the skill-set to complete the renovation (and add a lot of value through their own project-management sweat-equity).

Or we can help the new owner to get the hotel ready for re-opening by introducing our site supervisor. This gentleman stepped up to the challenge shortly after our managing director was injured and suffered the stroke.

=> But it is imperative that the OWNER is ONSITE. Even if it is just directing the way each room is furnished, or making sure what seems like a good idea is double-checked…

This colour of kitchen tile is bold!

Definitely not to everyone’s taste.

^^ Bay Cottage ^^

The Black Tiling Was A Mistake

The Owner Really Needs To Be Onsite

The demolition of the old, derelict, commercial sized conservatory went well…

^^ Bay Cottage ^^

^^ Born From An Old Derelict Conservatory ^^

The newbuild with double-specification insulation has worked out brilliantly…

^^ Bay Cottage ^^

Double Insulation To Maximise Heat Efficiency

Preparing the newbuild after surveyor and engineer report on the concrete foundations…

^^ Bay Cottage: Commencing Newbuild ^^

^^ Bay Cottage: Floorplan ^^

^^ Bay Cottage: 90% Completed ^^

Awaiting landscape gardener to complete that part of the property.

^^ Bay Cottage Interior : Fitting Out ^^

The progress is nearing completion…

^^ Bay Cottage Interior : Main Lounge ^^

The dwelling is being measured for carpets. Yet such is the quality of insulation, it is already a pleasure to be in this part of the building.


^^ Bay Cottage Interior : Main Lounge ^^

The sea views are amongst the best of any house on the island…

^^ Bay Cottage Interior : Main Lounge ^^

Final electrical and fires safety system installation, then underlay plus carpets and Bay Cottage will be ready for new furniture and occupation by the new owner.

We are currently obtaining costings to complete Bay Cottage so that it can be inhabited.

As of December 2023, these ranged between £11,820 and £14,220.

This is in addition to the £189,000 for the newbuild Bay Cottage dwelling house.

Further details and a comprehensive selection of “before” and “after” photos will be added to this page during January 2024.

To view, or ask any questions

via telephone or text, please…

Click Here


Sannox Hotel

Prospective buyers are welcome to view our buildings at any time via prior appointment.

Click Here

For folk who are working out logistics of living onsite whilst completing the remaining elements of this renovation, the current owner had been utilising Sannox Hotel Bedroom 3. He moved to Bedroom 4 as that had more room.

^^ Bedroom 4 ~ Sannox Hotel ^^

There there was (and still is a very comfortable bed and desk, along with broadband (still connected as at January 2024)…

^^ Bedroom 4 ~ Sannox Hotel ^^

A carpet and underlay had been ordered and sadly, it was that very day, with the works van on a collection run that an accident occurred on the main ferry from the island to the mainland.

Following a three month preliminary recovery period, the owner managed one trip back to Sannox Hotel.

=> Unfortunately the challenges of post-stroke-fatigue and other disabling matters meant the director had to be rescued by a family member and was driven back to the family home on the east coast (Arran is very much on the west coast).

Sadly, the director has not been able to return, in spite of several attempts.

=> Significant progress with respect to renovation matters have been made via remote video link to the onsite supervisor.

But the time has come along with a realisation that the last 10% of this renovation project needs a new owner to complete the task.


^^ Sannox Hotel ^^

Beautiful Location.

Redolent With Opportunity

For A New Life.

Either as your future being that of a hotelier. Or perhaps reside onsite with someone to manage the hotel and another person to lease the shop, providing you with a passive income and a wonderful style of life.

Thereby having plenty of time to explore the island…

See What Arran Has To Offer:

Click Here


A Lot More To Come

Please check back regularly for updates.

Alternatively, you can TEXT us on: 0757 2768 795 or get in touch via landline or post…

Contact Page

Click Here

Many thanks and best wishes,

The Argyll Group & Scotslion Team.




Unique Property Projects (formerly Unique Property plc), have bought and project~managed the renovation of 30 unique buildings since 1999. Now, 25 years later, during 2024 we are gently overhauling this site and have several exciting, real-life unique property adventures being featured here. We hope these will be of help to your own efforts to locate and buy your own unusual place to call home. Please check back regularly for more details. Any questions: Click Here.

For Sale: Sannox Hotel, Island of Arran

& Newbuild Bay Cottage + Sannox Shop

Guide For All Three Elements: £675,000

Or: Hotel: £395,000 + Bay Cottage: £181,000 + Village Shop: £99,000

We bought the closed hotel at Sannox in 2018 and have given it a substantial “back-to-bricks” rebuild and renovation. Plus a newbuild apartment and a new village shop.

^^ Sannox Hotel For Sale ^^

North Ayrshire Council Planning Department gave a very generous Planning Permission

Planning Permission To Renovate & Improve Sannox Hotel

The Sannox Hotel has three distinct elements: (i) Main Hotel + (ii) Newbuild Apartment + (iii) New Village Shop.

Plus the neighbouring property, named “Caberfeidh” has recently been placed for sale (we do not own Caberfeidh). Also, an earlier sale has fallen through at Caberfeidh

As can be seen, If the Sannox Hotel buildings were joined with the Caberfeidh property, that would represent a significantly large business in one of the best locations on the island.

^^ Caberfeidh & Sannox Hotel Buildings Outlined In Red ^^

If a buyer wishes to expand Sannox Hotel plus the new village shop to a much more substantial set of buildings, the opportunities for increasing the business are even more than has already been built/rebuilt. For example…

The development potential would address the almost zero number of shops in the north end of Arran, whereas the centre and south end of the island have several dozen shops. So the north is crying out for a decent sized (but not oversized) retail outlet.

^^ Potential To Enlarge Further If Desired ^^

The neighbouring property at Caberfeidh has come up for sale. That very much interests established supermarkets on the mainland who have expressed an interest in leasing or buying a newbuild supermarket at Sannpx.

Crucially, by adding four or five newbuild “ApartHotel” style apartments on the first floor of Caberfeidh, the whole of the new, enlarged Sannox hotel site would significantly reduce the Air B&B blight that afflicts many tourist destinations. Arran is the busiest island on the west coast as has been demonstrated by the ferry carrying numbers.

Indeed, Sannox is a modest sized village, but because the vast footfall from the mountaineers and hillwalkers emerge from the Glen Sannox road-end about three minutes walk from Sannox Hotel, there is a huge demand from those hillwalkers and mountaineers for a hot and tasty plate of food + beverage and a cosy room for the night.

^^ Glen Sannox ^^

Hill Walkers & Golfers

Sannox Hotel is the only hotel within miles, let alone the actual 3 to 5 minute walk from our front door to the famous Glen Sannox road~end where many folk emerge looking for a nice place to eat and secure a comfortable guest bedroom for the night.

At this point of ensuring warm rooms for guests, it is pertinent to mention the rebuild of Sannox Hotel has involved vast amount of insulation. This is deliberate. Our company has helped many closed-businesses to re-open and become viable. With heating bills having been obscenely high for the past 18 months, the insulation of 44 various rooms in Sannox Hotel is crucial to the folk wanting to stay and also to the hotel business which, at the end of each month has to pay the heating bills!

^^ Sannox Hotel ^^

New Insulation Throughout

Great emphasis and substantial funds were deployed on Sannox Hotel being fully insulated (all 44 different rooms) via  many thousands of pounds of high specification insulation 

Plus new double glazed windows throughout the hotel…

^^ Old Single Glazed Units ^^


^^ Sannox Hotel ^^

New Bespoke Double Glazing Installed Throughout

^^ Sannox Hotel ^^

New Double Glazing Throughout

This means a much warmer hotel, but with significantly lower heating and electricity bills when it does re-open.


Why Sell The Hotel Buildings?

^^ The Arran Ferry ^^

MV Caledonian Isles

(click here)

Unfortunately the managing director suffered a traumatic injury after being hit on his head by a 5,000 ton ferry. This resulted in a stroke a few hour later. Since the accident the managing director (also working as project manager) has had to stay near hospital and family on the east coast and endeavour to  “remote~manage” renovations via the team at Sannox Hotel (located on the west coast). Due diligence and full transparency relating to the accident (here).

Following a family meeting at the beginning of March 2024, the decision was taken to sell:-

=> Either as one complete lot at the Sannox Hotel + House + Shop. Guide £675,000.

Because there is no mortgage, the owners can help a buyer by selling the three parts separately (and also provide a modest mortgage facility for the new buyers if needed to get them started…

=> 1]. Sannox Hotel, with 6 x Ensuite Guest Bedrooms + Owner’s Ensuite Bedroom + Breakfast Room/Lounge + Tea Room and Restaurant. Guide: £395,000.

Then LEASE the other two parts until sufficient reserves built up to buy them…

=> 2]. Bay Cottage, a newbuild apartment that may be used as either owner’s accommodation or due to the excellent sea views, it would make an excellent ApartHotel element. Guide: £181,000.

=> 3]. New Village Shop. Guide: £99,000.

Ideally a new owner of the Sannox Hotel will project~manage the site to completion. But the current owners may decide, in the interests of getting the hotel open without too much delay, to locate an independent contractor to complete the remaining 10% of works on Sannox Hotel.

=> To register an interest in contracting to do this renovation work, please: Click Here.

For contractors wishing to quote to complete the works on these three buildings, the Planning Permission and Building Warrant are “enduring” and in full effect. They allow:-

-> Increase in the number of guest bedrooms from 3 to 6 (all ensuite) (90% completed and 10% finishing work.

-> Add a brand new Village Shop (70% complete: the final specification will depend ifthe neighbouring property is tjoined up and the shop becomes much larger and leased by well known operator of supermarkets,.

-> Add a resident staff member’s ensuite bedroom.

-> Newbuild owner’s accommodation: Bay Cottage

-> Increase parking by 4 additional spaces moving the front wall back 10 feet.

-> Add a new facility: The Ingledene Tea Room,

-> Full “back-to-bricks” renovation of the entire building. 

The buildings are being sold due to the project-managing director suffering a disabling head injury on the ferry: click here.

If the buildings are bought in a fully completed “turnkey” presentation, the guide prices will need to reflect the cost of final works:-

=> The Sannox Hotel (all work completed and ready to open + trade): £429,000.

=> Bay Cottage (all work completed):  £190,000.

=> Sannox Convenience Store (all work completed ): £130,000.

^^ Sannox Hotel + Bay Cottage + Village Shop ^^

Full Planning Permission & Building Warrants

90% Completed.

All with beautiful sea views across to Sannox Bay and the sandy beach. The river seen at the front of the hotel, flowing into the sea is from the magnificent Glen Sannox nearby…

^^ Sannox Hotel + Bay Cottage + Village Shop ^^

A Unique Opportunity For…

A New Year & A New Life

This current page is a short summary to assist our colleagues who will be placing details onto Rightmove.

For clarification, the current owners of Sannox Hotel are determined to make best efforts and enable their buildings at Sannox to be completed + re-opened + trading and providing an amenity function at some point during 2024.

=> This is because the time has come along with a realisation that the last 10% of this renovation project needs a new owner to complete the task.

=> The idea is to run sea-tours as a facility for visitors and to base this out of Sannox Hotel

By 2024, this may still yet happen. If the new owners of the Sannox Hotel would like?

Such a facility would boost the Sannox Hotel’s business. We know this from island history going back over 40 years. The current owner of Sannox Hotel was brought up in the next village, Corrie at Blackrock House Hotel in the 1970s. Back then the extra boat facilities offered at Blackrock House Hotel boosted business by 10% to 30% each year! The same was to be, and still can be tested out at Sannox Hotel: if the new owners of Sannox Hotel desire? Please note, that the ship is not included with the hotel (unless you would like). The process is for the sea-tours to be run by retired merchant naval personnel, much like the charity born from the same keyboard typing these very words about Sannox Hotel (charity birth certificates: click here). The candidate vessel for “Arran”, or “Sannox Sea Tours” is the former MV Lochmor…

^^ Former MV Lochmor: After The Major Refit ^^

We Have Been Looking To Buy Back Our Old Favourite!

This vessel would make an interesting

sea-tours facility based from Sannox Hotel.

^^ Sannox Hotel May Yet Have Extra Facilities ^^

The current owner of the hotel is having to retire on health ground.

But he can still arrange a ship purchase and has an

extensive diary of Merchant Navy sea crew to call upon.

^ Sannox Hotel ^^

Beautiful Location.

Redolent With Opportunity

For A New Life.

The new owner may wish to operate the hotel + shop themselves. Or they might prefer to live onsite with someone to manage the hotel and another person to lease the shop, providing them with a passive income and a wonderful style of life.

Thereby having plenty of time to explore the island…

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A Lot More To Come

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The Argyll Group & Scotslion Team.
