List of Introduction
Properties in Our BIG SALE
^^ Building Plot to Construct One of These ^^
We Have The Land…
If You Have The Desire.
Lots & Buildings Between £14,000 and £950,000.
We are selling a diverse selection of buildings and land acquired over the past 35 years’ since Unique Property Bulletin (here) was first published.
=> We are NOT an estate agency, just a group of friends who enjoy bringing redundant and interesting buildings back to meaningful use.
=> Plus helping others get into similar constructive mischief and fun by featuring some of the adventures along the way.
Consequently, our crew of volunteers couldn’t help but buy some of the fascinating items that cross the old Unique Property Bulletin editor’s desk. Many places have been transformed into unique homes. Though a couple of dozen still reside our land-bank and buildings asset base, just waiting for some imaginative designs to be built. For example, we have a “brownfield” site suitable to construct one of these…
Hopefully you too will find some enjoyable mischief in these new pages.
^^ One Example From Our Big Sale ^^
Lots at between £14,000 and £950,000.
Following this INTRODUCTION page, we list a INDEXED series of dedicated pages. Each contains a very basic summary for the respective building or piece of land that we are selling. In due course, each property summary page will have a link to more details to help you study and conduct your due diligence in more depth if/when a particular property catches your eye.
An important point of this BIG SALE of our surplus properties, is to clarify we are listing the “summary” pages before ALL of the minutia of details are uploaded…
=> This is because people are dying of debt. Back in 1996 we had direct experience of such tragedy. We managed to help reduce that carnage via our first registered charity (here).
=> In order to speed-up the property sales part of this endeavour, this front page is a WORK IN PROGRESS.
=> That means we will list ALL the items being sold on here BEFORE the end of April 2023. This helps give our readers the “heads-up” and advance notice as to what tasty morsels are coming up for sale sooner than would otherwise be the case.
With 404 people a year taking their lives in the UK each year due to debt problems and the respected Martin Lewis money advice expert reckoning 100,000 TRY to take their lives each year due to debt worries; with MILLIONS of folk in abject misery, we are SPEEDING UP our sales effort so as to achieve the main goal of building dozens of COMMUNITY OWNED POWER GENERATOR STATIONS so as to HALF the price of electricity costs in the UK and indeed several other countries via the community-ownership principle.
The surplus buildings and land we and our shareholders own and are happy to sell contain a proportion of the funds that will be deployed as a catalyst to build the new “proof-of-concept” eco-power station – to HALVE electricity bills.
=> The order which they are listed are according to guide price. From £14,000 up to £950,000.
The aim is for each Community Owned Generator Station to supply sufficient AFFORABLE electricity for between 50 an 500 houses/shops per generator station. This project will be rolled out nationwide across the UK.
=> Why?
Fair question. From grief-stricken experience of the first charity we registered (click here), over 400 people commit debt-suicide in the UK each year.
=> People should not die of debt.
The second charity we registered (click here) proves that when a community comes together, amazing results happen and pretty much, all for the good.
So the least we can do is sell off some spare buildings and land and build the first of many (medium sized) eco-power generator stations.
Actually building a functional power station is the best way of finding out whether the arithmetic works.
=> A proof-of-concept eco-power generator station will help us prove that electricity can be generated at HALF the current (April 2023) prices.
A cautionary note: not everyone favours wind-turbines. So we are including alternate types of power generator stations, including…
=> Hydro-electric;
=> Wave-power;
=> Solar-power;
& of course, if some of the UKs local communities vote in favour of…
=> Wind~farm power.
…on brownfield outskirts of town, NOT in the middle of historic, picturesque village greens, then that is what will be progressed.
If you doubt our numbers, you can work out the back of an envelope calculation on how to HALVE the electricity bills. Here is just a very basic illustration of why YOU may be struggling with not enough money at the end of each month to HEAT OR EAT….
1). Remove expensive, over-paid CEO salaries such as SSE chief Alastair Phillips-Davis and his inflation busting 47% increase in remuneration. Remove the perks that take his remuneration/pay up to £4,500,000 per year (click here to witness corporate greed).
This boss of SSE plc is getting paid £17,300 PER DAY. There is NO excuse for that from a publicly traded utility company. Especially given this list of death: click here.
2). You and we can physically STOP the obscene profiteering by electricity companies on the back of hard pressed people in financially perilous states caused, in part by this type of management corporate greed…
Source: Click Here & Support Good Journalism: Here.
We aim to prove that you can make a difference…
3). YOU can take back control yourself, in your community, by replicating what we intent to PROVE is possible.
Whether that be by a mutually or community owned, or co-operative style ownership, this can be achieved.
If and when we build these community owned power stations that will operate on a NOT-FOR-PROFIT basis for the benefit of each community, we would bet you £1,000 that the big, greedy energy companies and their price gouging will STOP.
=> The big energy companies will bring their prices down a lot quicker if we start competing.
Have you ever notice how energy prices go up in hours but take months to come down.? That greedy behaviour can be stopped. You can help extinguish this disreputable conduct that costs stress, causes misery, and may well cause premature death through pensioners and folk with disabilities freezing or starving.
Of course, you may just have popped by this website to buy a unique property.
In which case, we are also here to help….
The unique home that catches your imagination, plus the door opening for you to join the “affordable energy” movement may well be lurking somewhere on this website.
Read on MacDuff…
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