sannox introduction

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£795,000 “As Is” or… £895,000 “Fully Completed”

Sadly, due to an accident with injuries sustained by one of our directors resulting in a stroke, he is unable to re-open and manage the Sannox Hotel. Consequently, we are placing this property up for sale. It is a beautifully located hotel on the island of Arran. 

^^^ Sannox Hotel ^^^

Clear, turquoise tinted sea, with mountains behind.

The Sannox Hotel renovation project is around 90% complete, in line with a major three-year long, “back-to-bricks” restoration and enlargement. Including the full planning permission that was granted: click here.

The Planning Permission allows for:-

=> Complete renovation of the the Hotel + increase from 3 to 6 en-suite guest bedrooms and addition of 1 new staff bedroom.

=> Complete renovation of the Tearoom + Restaurant and commercial kitchen.

=> The newbuild of a new Village Shop + home delivery service.

=> The newbuild of a brand new Owner’s House.

The aim has been to transform a long-closed dilapidated landmark hotel back to a vibrant, useful, helpful and productive premises that will provide a local amenity and 6 to 14 new jobs.

=> Sadly due to the director’s accident and disablement Sannox Hotel and the newly built house plus additional facilities,  FOUR elements in total, are now FOR SALE “as is” for a guide of: £795,000.

=> This is to buy the whole site and all FOUR parts. 

Or if you are looking for a new HOME plus an INVESTMENT INCOME we have been approached by prospective and experienced tenants to lease each of the three commercial units lined up: Shop + Tearoom + local person wishing to lease the hotel bedrooms as one whole unit so they can effectively extend their own successful B&B from nearby premises.

=> It is important to point out that each prospective tenant has made these approaches in an effort to assist the disabled company director during a difficult time. There is a strong community spirit on the Island of Arran with folk looking out for each other.

Our director who was project-managing the Sannox Hotel renovation (up until the accident) is still in recovery would like to express his appreciation at the kindness of lifelong friends in the local community. All share a passion to get the Sannox Hotel back open and providing a fulsome island amenity. It is very frustrating that in spite of making much progress throughout the pandemic, the hotel is still not yet open.

But a new buyer should know they have options and a considerable well of goodwill locally.

=> Choice A: ~ You can by a home and a job with three business elements.

=> Choice: B ~ Or you have a newly built island home and three income streams.

Add to this the provisional discussions with the company architect who secured the planning permission to newbuild the owner’s new house and the planning officials regarding the INCREASE in shop size from village shop to north-end island supermarket. The north of Arran has no shops, nor supermarket.



^^ Planning Permission After Phase 2 ^^

The EXTRA Parking HAS Already Been Granted

This is being achieved by moving the retaining (elevated) front wall back towards the hotel by 11 feet and providing a layby style area for parking which is much safer that entrance/egress onto the main hotel driveway. This ADDS 4 to 5 EXTRA parking places. Staff parking is being arranged with a private landowner nearby to over-engineer the planning requirements for additional spaces..

Phase 2 of the development has reached the discussion stage with our architects on what is generally allowed and what is not at local council (based on 20 years of applying for and being successfully granted planning applications). In our case a SUCCESSFUL Phase 1 permission being granted including the newbuild owner’s house.


^^ Planning Permission ^^

Phase 1 is 90% Complete. New Owner’s House Now Built.

Phase 2: Enlarged Shop &

Additional First Floor Accommodation is Optional.

Phase 2 will be an increased floorspace/retail/shop area plus Post Office on the ground floor with a first flor extension in the same vernacular to the existing first floor on the right side of the photos above and below this paragraph.

This would add 3 more en-suite guest bedrooms taking the capacity to NINE rooms and 18 guests. Alternatively, the new owner’s accommodation could be enlarged and put o the first floor abve the shop if the new owners have a large family.

Phase 2 is NOT mandatory. It is mentioned here so that new owners can understand the state of play as at the accident sustained by our managing director and the difficult decision to sell the Sannox Hotel.

=> The existing permissions are ample to make the Hotel (AirB&B Format)  + Tearoom/Restaurant + Village Shop + Owners’ New House (now build) format more than viable.

Whichever suits your circumstances best. This is your private front garden raised 6 feet above the roadside to ensure your privacy. Imagine relaxing here with tea and lunch, plus three income streams. Not just the financial sort. There are trout and salmon swiming in the river at that the front of the property if you fancy catching fresh fish...

^^ Private Owner’s Garden ^^

^^ Private Owner’s House & Garden ^^

This is ONE of FOUR parts to this extensively renovated: Hotel + Shop + Tearoom + Owner’s House.

^^ Planning Permission Drawings ^^

Owner’s New House: Bay Cottage.

Formerly the old, long-closed village pub/conservatory, well past it’s ruinous sell-by date…

^^ Old Conservatory ^^

Rotten structure + leaky plastic roof and dilapidated/dangerous utility points.

^^ Old Conservatory Being Demolished ^^

To be replaced by newbuild owner’s home. With maximum insulation; new rood; new damp-proof system; new double glazing; complete rewire + replumbing + central heating.

The new owner will need walls painted to their taste + carpets + curtains and furniture.

Full Details of Newbuild: Click Here

^^ Owner’s Newbuild House ^^

The sea view from the new lounge.

90% of this project is completed.

^^ Beach View Towards… ^^

Your new home? Plus the Hotel + Shop + Tea-Room

We are also able to assist a new owner with a choice of buying our Sannox Hotel set of four buildings…

=> Choice A: ~ The first price at £795,000 is for the buildings as they are. This will enable you to place YOUR style and design preferences on the buildings and layout.

=> Choice B: ~ The second price at “offers over £895,000” is for the Sannox Hotel + Bay Cottage + Tearoom + Shop all completed to your desired specification.


The FIRST AND SECOND options as listed above will INCLUDE the exterior of the hotel being painted with the specialist paint that we use on our lighthouse buildings. It is the same product that the Northern Lighthouse Board use.

The FIRST AND SECOND options as listed above will include the front garden being re-turfed and landscaped, plus the dedicated  entrance pathway and recreational exterior are being professionally mono-blocked and landscaped.

It is important to understand the extensive Schedule of Works that has been progressed to the present day over the past three years. In effect, seeing the hotel pretty much rebuilt. In addition the demolition of the eyesore, derelict parts and construction of the newbuild owner’s dwelling. To see the documented and ample series of photographs, please check out the various pages…

=> Newbuild Owner’s Dwelling: Click Here.

=> Example: 1 of 6 En-suite Bedroom Rebuilds: Click Here.

=> Example: Hotel Restaurant Rebuild: Click Here.

=> Plan Drawing of 44 Rooms In Main Building: Click Here.

=> Example of Arran Attractions & Activities: Click Here.

If you would prefer the option of purchasing the hotel + village shop + owner’s home “as is” and complete the works yourself, then…

The second guide price we quote is…

=> All four parts sold on an “as is” basis. Offers over: £795,000.

We have an excellent planning consultant who obtained the first planning permission. His knowledge base is encyclopaedic and we would heartily recommend this gentleman to all prospective buyers who may chose to alter the current planning permission to suit their own specific preferences.

^^^ Sannox Hotel, Island of Arran ^^^

View across the salmon/sea trout burn to the Firth of Clyde.

It is important to note that even though we are at the 90% completion stage ~ this project at Sannox is still a…

=> Work in progress.

=> The interiors are all well-progressed towards the re-opening phase.

=> The exterior will soon be landscaped and the building painted, readying the hotel for re-opening.

We may temporarily “pause” the final 10% of renovation work as the new owner will have their own design ideas and requirements that will need to be incorporated into the sale agreement.

^^^ Sannox Hotel, Island of Arran ^^^

As well as a current “staycation” boost in holiday accommodation demand, it is worth mentioning that the island of Arran benefits from a 2 to 4 week shoulder season boost as many university students from all over the country visit for a week or two as part of their geology degrees (here and here). This is due to Arran’s unique rock formations and structures.

Due to the popularity of the island of Arran, folk from the mainland (as reported: here), have been visiting. There have already been two separate offers to buy the Sannox Hotel from us.

=> The first offer was subject to planning permission to turn Sannox Hotel into 3 x two-bedroom  holiday homes.

=> The second offer was to convert the hotel into a luxury home.

=> We politely declined both offers.

The directors of Scotlsion and the Argyll Group of companies have spent 22 years creating jobs. There are 6 to 11 new jobs at Sannox Hotel when it re-opens for business. These would be lost forever and so would the hotel amenity if we just accepted the unsolicited offers from holiday-homers or speculators. Our unwell director may be 135 miles away from Arran and with his family on the east-coast (north of Dundee), but he still wants to see Sannox Hotel and the new village shop + post office come to fruition. Too much time, effort, work and money have been invested since buying the dilapidated hotel 3 years ago. 

^^^ Sannox Hotel, Island of Arran ^^^

Condition as bought on 28th February 2018.

Fast forward to now, 2022 and in order to preserve this building as a hotel and re-open the local amenity, both of these offers were politely declined. Fortunately there is no mortgage on the hotel, so we have the grace of time and financial comfort in matching the buyer who is looking for this specific sort of rural property and beautiful location as well as either a job for themselves and income managing the two businesses.

Or just to live in a sublime island location and lease the shop + tearoom + hotel with the prospect of enjoying the various income streams and having helped re-open two important amenities on the island

We are happy to consider assisting buyers with some of the finance if this is of help. 

^^^ MV Caledonia Isles Ferry At Brodick on Arran ^^^

Photo copyright (c) 2022 Argyll Group Private Equity. Formerly Argyll Group plc.

Local contractors on the island have been very good helping get the project this close to completion. Sadly our designated director is not fit enough to realise his ambition to return to the island where he grew up and complete his life at Sannox Hotel. This is so close to the old Blackrock House Hotel where he lived as a youngster and started his first job.

=> Our objective now is to locate a suitable person or couple to take over this unique opportunity at the renovated Sannox Hotel + Tea Room + Village Shop + Owner’s House.

=> Our group of companies are more than happy to complete the Sannox Hotel restoration. Specifically the final fitting out to the design and style as desired by a new owner. Or they are, of course, at liberty to arrange this for themselves.

We just won’t be able to provide one of our own team to manage the re-opening and running of the Sannox Hotel.

The restoration phase is inexorably moving towards the re-opening date. This will be an exciting opportunity and wonderful life for someone who has been contemplating their future during the past 26 months’ of Covid pandemic lockdowns.

It doesn’t take a genius to realise why so many folk are now looking to migrate away from major cramped coviddy-cities and lockdown-towns to more rural areas. Our sister website, Unique Property Bulletin (here) has had a fourfold increase from city-dwellers who seek a gentler, more rural life with increased freedom away from the pandemic. Indeed we received a hundred enquiries each day for the first two weeks we featured a water tower property in the outer Hebrides (here).

London Underground: Almost Impossible To Safe-Distance

The Lethal Covid Lottery Runs Rife

^^^ Escape To The Country ^^^

^ Photograph (c) 2022. Kindly on license from PA Media/Alamy Ltd ^

“Escape To The Country” may be an old television series perhaps, but it is one with a new twist. If you are thinking of moving to Arran, then please think about creating some jobs!

There is something enigmatic about living on an island. Every time you get on the ferry to go home, there is always a frisson of excitement.

For some perspective, this ferry can carry 1000 passengers and 110 cars. Yet it looks tiny compared to the magnificent mountains of the island of Arran…

^^^ MV Caledonia Isles Ferry, Sailing From Arran To The Mainland ^^^

^ Photograph (c) 2021. Kindly on license from Elizabeth Leyden/Alamy Ltd ^

A considerable number of mountaineers exit their adventures via Glen Sannox. On arriving at the main road that circles the island (A841), these mountaineers turn right and a few paces along the road, they reach the Sannox Hotel. Many are keen for the hotel to re-open so they can imbibe a warm beverage and decent meal along with an ensuite bedroom to rest in for a night or two. If you’d just been up those mountains in that photograph, then you’d maybe feel the same about some food and rest.

It may also be of help to know the volumes of visitors that make this the most popular island on the west coast for visitors…

The road in front of Sannox Hotel is the A841. It goes the 55 miles around the island. The A841 carries approximately 840,993 passengers via the main ferry. That distils into 198,929 cars 531 coaches.

Obviously Covid has had an impact, but during Summer 2021 after the vaccine took effect, there were almost too many visitors due to the staycation phenomena.


If you have any questions about the Sannox Hotel on Arran, or arranging a (PPE protected) viewing, please telephone or…

TEXT: 0757 2768 795.


Sannox Hotel

Sale Details…

Click Here

