Balado Site – Building Plot 2 – £99,000

Balado Site – For Sale

Plot 2: £99,000

(Subject to Planning)

Here is a “concept” design along with interior artistic impressions. Unique Property Bulletin (click here) would be delighted to introduce you to the architect if this style suits your tastes…

^^ Imaginative Design To Help Our Readers ^^

Though We would Recommend Elevating Any Newbuild

A Few Metres Upwards To Avoid Flood Risk

Water features are incredibly popular. But it is wise nowadays to make best efforts to prevent any risk of flooding. This also helps with the views from inside the new, unique home, outwards cross the water and green fields…

^^ A Good Architect & New AI Design Added Value ^^

The theme of this house is mirrored inside at the home-office work station.

Following three years of pandemic, during which many folk discovered the enjoyment of working from home and spending quality time with family, especially seeing your children grow, there has been a definite migration in favour of home-working. With land and views, along with a location that is in the centre of Scotland, this place has a lot to attract folk to live here.

^^ If You Are Going To The Effort of Building Your Own Home ^^

^^ Surely It Makes Sense To Make It A Great Design ^^

We have two riverside building plots for sale. Both are on “brownfield” sites and this should make the planning process a lot easier for such a unique newbuild home.

^^ Building Plot 2 ^^

^^DRAFT Title Plan For General Guidance ^^

The final boundary may differ marginally

depending upon the cadastral mapping agency

that prepares these new title documents.

Here are the remaining architect impressions that we have…

The general site view can be seen via this aerial photograph…

^^ Located At The Far Side of The Compound ^^

Building Plot 2

Guided at…


For further information, please feel free to get in touch…

Tel/Text: 0757 2768 795

Please note, the guides quotes is for sale “as is”.
