Balado Radar Station

Sale Options For The

Former RAF Balado Radar Station

This is a SUMMARY page that links to the TWO ALTERNATE CHOICES that are viable for this site…

Use As Homes With An Office For Remote Working

^^ Option To Build A Few Unique Homes At ^^

The Balado Site To Compliment The Radome Structure.

^^ Sloping Sites At Balado ^^

Ideal For An Imaginative Design

& We Know Just The Architect

The prospective building plots at Balado are of a lesser gradient than the Australian iconic “Pole House”. But the principle of building safely and with an imaginative design are apposite. This video of the actual first Pole House gives a decent idea of the style, genre and vernacular we would propose at Plot 7 or Plot 8 for Balado…

^^ A The Style of Unique Home ^^

^^ & Remote-Work Office Proposed For Plot 7 At Balado ^^

Given the nature of this BROWNFIELD site, we could either seek Planning Permission to demolish all the old buildings and build a housing estate of 127 bog-standard houses similar to many such developments in the country.

^^ 127 of These At Balado. Yes? No? ^^

We Favour Something More Imaginative & Unique.

Not Too Cramped Either.

A similar precedent at Dundee City Council where a brownfield site has been granted conditional planning permission for 223 houses on a 15.7 acre former jam factory site (here).

Pro rata that equates to 127 houses on a 9 acre site. Balado in its entirety would be 9 acres (the golf ball and all existing buildings would need to be demolished.

=> However, the current owner favours a gentler, lower density approach of between 6 and 9 houses with a unique design for each that complements and sits nearby the would-be museum being proposed (click here).

We are NOT proposing 9 Pole Houses. Each one would be a bespoke design. The architect’s brief would be for a newbuild home that sits well in the current environment at Balado. Likely looking outward across the loch and with a plot of land that allows for the new owner to breathe and enjoy decent view. There are many styles that would suit Balado building plot 7 and 8…

^^ Option To Build A Few Unique Homes At ^^

The Balado Site To Compliment The Radome Structure.

If you would like to visit the site or even just chat about this option, please feel free to call…

Text/Phone (UK): 0757 2768 795

Landline (UK): 0131 663 9102



Balado could be used for something similar to its original purpose…

=> Sold as ONE lot for £950,000 (plus VAT)., as an EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) secure computer data centre. Details: Click Here.

We shudder to mention this, but the prospect is real, very real.

=> The World is overdue a Solar Flare that will destroy trillions of dollars/pounds/euros in destroyed digital currency (click here).

Worse: Vladimir Putin has already caused worldwide havoc by blockading Ukranian grain. Then Putin caused energy price instability that has rocketed many national economies inflation rates to 10%. That is turn has caused strikes, civil unrest and electricity-price distress for millions.

=> Heaven forbid the real risk of Putin deploying what he calls a “low yield” tactical nuclear weapon. Likely in a very rural part of Ukraine. The result in a mercifully low lethality terror. But it would destroy computer and electrical systems for 500 to 800 mile radius. The Bitcoin market would be damaged to destruction. Worldwide economic meltdown and likely 1929 era depression would follow. Thankyou Vladimir. (click here).

A solution to the devastating Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) is for banks to use more “EMP-PROOF” buildings.

The British Ministry of defence spent millions of pounds installing a huge EMP-PROOF facility at Balado. 

We thought: why spend tens of thousands of pounds removing the EMP shielding when there is a demand for an EMP computer data centre. Especially one that has military grade security onsite.

ajor renovation work to bring the long-term closed Sannox Hotel on the Island of Arran back to a fully functional amenity with approximately 12 jobs and a new village shop into the bargain.

TEXT or telephone: 0757 2768 795


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