Planning Application at Tod Head Lighthouse Station

At Tod Head Lighthouse Station

Pre-Planning Consultation

This document aims to clarify the applicants request. Advice is sought from local Aberdeenshire Council planning officers on whether a planning permission is likely to fail or have merit for consideration to:-

Demolish 3 x dilapidated buildings and construct a replacement single-storey building in the uniform vernacular of the Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB) at Tod Head Lighthouse Station?

^^ The location of 3 dilapidated buildings can be seen ^^ 
within the red outline ovals marked on this photograph.

The architectural brief will be to reflect and harmonise with uniform Northern Lighthouse Board “First Assistant Lighthouse Keeper” style of dwelling on the footprint currently occupied by “Outbuilding 1” as illustrated in the next few segment.

The next draft illustration shows an example of the diminutive newbuild single-storey ground floor dwelling that the owner of the lighthouse station is seeking to have built in place of the three ruinous buildings that litter the back of the station.

This is based on what the Northern Lighthouse Board have been building as their preferred vernacular since 1959 (Strathy Point Lighthouse Station and Noss Head Lighthouse Station). This is what the owner at Tod Head Lighthouse Station proposes to have built to enable him to continue living at Tod Head Lighthouse Station (with a deteriorating spinal disability that is making climbing stairs to his first-floor Flat-3 increasingly difficult…

^^ Proposed Single Storey Newbuild ^^ 
At Tod Lighthouse Station 
In place of this old outbuilding....

There are 3 dilapidated outbuildings to demolish as part of the renovation of the whole of Tod Head Lighthouse Station.

One wobbly wooden garage exposed to lighthouse location power winds has been wasting space with an old car stored in a garage for 21 years.

^^ One of Three Dilapidated Buildings ^^

It may also help to see a rough plan, based on the 1988 Title-Deed Plans (Mr Bob Galloway owned Tod Head directly from his purchase from the Northern Lighthouse in 1988). 

Here is an indication of the current layout at Tod Head. Very little has changed since 1988.

Hence parts are likely to be in such a dilapidated condition. 

^^ Plan Illustrating Likely Demolition Structures ^^

& Newbuild Footprint.

Care has been taken not to 

disturb the sea-views enjoyed by the neighbours

Indeed, with the removal of the old garages,

the neighbours views of the sea will improve.


The newbuild accommodation is needed especially as the owner has a deteriorating spinal condition that, in spite of earlier spinal surgery, means he cannot reside in the future in his first floor Flat-3.

The first floor dwelling at Flat-3 has been assessed for a disability lift/elevator, but Tod Head is redolent with protected listed buildings and the format of first-floor Flat-3 does not lend itself to having an internal disability compliant lift/elevator installed.

^^ The Need For Further Spinal Surgery ^^

Means Living On A First Floor With Only Stairs As Access

Will Become Problematic As Wheelchair Use Increase.


Pre-Planning Application Enquiry

Additional Details

The proposed planning enquiry for a disability adapted newbuild ground floor building will produce a home on “brownfield” ground already owned by the applicant. Best of all a lift/elevator will not be needed.

An added bonus is that fine-tuning of a “disability friendly” house can be future-proofed before the final plans are presented to the architect for: (i) Planning Permission, plus (ii) Buildings Warrants, and (iii) Listed Building consent (the newbuild replacement for the (demolished) Old Workshop being in the environs of a Grade-B listed building.

The floorplan of the proposed Tod Head disability friendly newbuild is significantly smaller than the similar Northern Lighthouse Board design built up by Joh O’Groats at Noss Head.

Here is the smaller floor-plan area as proposed for Tod Head lighthouse Station in Aberdeenshire…

To ensure that the vernacular of the Northern Lighthouse Buildings is respected, the newbuild will be designed from plans of previous Northern Lighthouse buildings. Here are the elevations for the Noss Head Lighthouse Sation. The simiar architecture is clear…

^^ Noss Head Lighthouse Newbuild ^^

It may be help perspective to see an oblique photograph of the far northern Noss Head lighthouse buildings after we had completed their renovation (from becoming ruined a second time). We bought Noss Head Lighthouse Station on 23rd May 2017. Sadly health issues had begun to significantly deteriorate even 7 years ago. Hence the move nearer to family between Dundee and Aberdeen,

^^ Noss Head Lighthouse Station ^^

Wick, Caithness, KW1 4QT 

The applicant spends at least 3 days each week working (via computer and internet) from his home-office. Suitable space for that is owned by the applicant in a ground floor room at the main 2-storey accommodation block. Thereby keeping the newbuild disability-adapted dwelling on as modest and proportionate footprint as possible.

The Tod Head, Aberdeenshire version will be 25% to 33% Smaller in width and depth.

The Noss Head, Caithness newbuild was required when the existing building was unfit for habitation…

^^ Earlier Noss Head, Caithness Lighthouse Buildings ^^

The Structure To The Right of The Photograph Was Demolished

The replacement at Noss Head in Caithness was and is the building as can be seen during restoration at Noss Head Lighthouse Station…

^^ Occasional Keeper’s Cabin ^^

Noss Head Lighthouse  Station

During Surface Preparation & Specialist Painting

^^ Occasional Keeper’s Cabin ^^

Noss Head Lighthouse  Station

During Surface Preparation & Specialist Painting

^^ Occasional Keeper’s Cabin ^^

Noss Head Lighthouse  Station

After Specialist Painting

^ Robbie Cahill & Andrew Ritchie ^^

Specialist Lighthouse Painters

Soon To Be Visiting Tod Head For Painting

It helps a great deal to have lighthouse professional such as Robbie and Andy who are stalwarts of the Northern Lighthouse Board and available to help ourselves at Noss Head Lighthouse Station and soon to be at Tod Head Lighthouse Station.

The Northern Lighthouse Board, being a uniform service, tends to have building stock from the 1959 (Strathy Point Lighthouse Station onward) built in a more austere and plain, functional vernacular than the Stevensons of 180 years ago. Although the older structures do have fine stonemasonry work and are adorned with much architectural merit from previous eras. 

^^ Tod Head Lighthouse Station ^^

Any questions, please contact:-

Russ McLean

Tel/Text: 07572768 795

Office: 01241 852127

Tod Head Lighthouse Station: 01569 750 629

Sannox Hotel Office: 01770 810225
