Sannox Hotel 1

The Sannox Hotel Renovation Project

+ New Village Shop + Satff & Manager Accommodation

Here in sequence are many of the “Before“, “During” and “After” photographs relating to the renovation and expansion + newbuilds at Sannox Hotel on the Island of Arran.


^^ Drone Photo of Sannox Hotel: During Renovations ^

^^ Island of Arran, KA 27 8JD ^^

(Exterior Cladding Install Can Be Seen On Newbuild Bay Cottage)

Normally this project would have opened within two years of buying the closed-down property. We bought Sannox Hotel on 28th February 2018. The renovations were slowed by (i) Late delivery of a vital, new ferry, named after a magnificent glen by Sannox Hotel and (ii) The Pandemic and: (iii)  Island of Arran, and: (3) The TIA (

he most recent photographs for our “Schedule of Works” relating to the First-Floor are featured on this page and provide a qualitative indication of progress that has been made 

imminent second round of spinal surgery that will, on past experience put our project manager/managing director out of commission for 6 to 8 months. The latter matter is something that might lengthen the re-opening date from March 2025 to 2026. We intend to avoid that or any further delays.

^^ Planning Permission ^^

^^ Sannox Hotel + Newbuild Apartment + Newbuild Village Shop ^^

Given the painful trio of delays encountered in what would normally be an 18 month renovation + newbuild, our directors and shareholders (across 39 years and a 78 buildings history) are moving Heaven & Earth to avoid any further delays to re-opening of Sannox Hotel. Especially when we are now approximately 90% to the fulfilment and issue of the local authority Planning Department & Building Control “Completion Certificates.”


Sannox Hotel – First Floor Plan Drawing

^^ Sannox Hotel: First Floor Plan Drawing ^^


Photographs of Progress 

Sannox Hotel

Guest Bedroom 1

Old Photo Before Renovation

^^ Bedroom 1, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ Before Renovation: February 2018 ^^

The smell of dampness and cold draughts from old, worn-out and ill-fitting double glazing was evident throughout. Hence the decision for this to be a back-to-bricks project and include the very helpful addition from North Ayrshire Council to newbuild elements such as Bay Cottage + Sannox Supermarket so that revenues and viability will be improved.

Add this to a thorough insulation effort that keeps the heating bills low and the viability of Sannox Hotel when it re-opens is much enhanced. Every wall in the renovated Sannox Hotel has been insulated…

^^ Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ Routine Deliveries, Even During The Pandemic ^^

Returning to the back-to-bricks refurbishment. All walls and pitch ceilings are now insulated; new bespoke double glazing has been fitted at every old window location. Plus full electrical rewire and new fire safety system. New central heating and water system. New fire-safety compliant doors and much more.



Sannox Hotel Bedroom 1 ~ Time Stamp & Watermark Via iPhone

Sannox Hotel

Guest Bedroom 1

^^ Recent Photo Watermarked: 25 May 2024 ^^

If required, all watermarking as per the example screenshot above can be provided in order to prove the veracity of the recent photographs (25th May 2024). Just contact Russ McLean on 01241 852127.

Sannox Hotel Bedroom 1 ~ New Photo After Renovation

^^ Bedroom 1, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ After Renovation: Photo 25 May 2024 ^^

^^ Bedroom 1, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ After Renovation: Photo 25 May 2024 ^^

It is important to note that every room within Sannox Hotel has been fully insulated with high-specification insulation as detailed by the architect. In addition, every room in Sannox Hotel has been fitted with bespoke, high quality double glazing… 

^^ Bedroom 1, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ New, Bespoke Double Glazing At Every Window ^^

^^ During Renovation ^^

^^ Bedroom 1, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ It Is Worth Taking A Closer Look Through ^^

^^ The New, Bespoke Double Glazing ^^

The sea view is none too shabby either. The increase in guest bedrooms from 3 to 7 reflects a minima of 3 guests to the new maxima of 14 guests. This has been considered carefully. It is fully intentional as that reflects the commercial decline of rural alcohol sales and the mass closure of village “pubs” (such as the derelict pub at Sannox Hotel).

This decline of public bars has been offset by the rise of demand for hotel bedroom accommodation and the rise of very popular websites such as and Trivago. This internet phenomenon has generated a high demand for hotel bedroom space. With regard to customers who wish to have alcohol served at special events, there is ample opportunity to obtain an “occasional licence” for functions at Sannox Hotel. There is also a very nice pub along the road at Corrie Hotel. When the Sannox Hotel was bought, it was obvious the “pub” part had failed. The previous owners had turned this Public Bar (photo from 2005)…

^^ The Old Pub At Sannox ~ 2005 ^^

The previous owners found that the pub trade was dying off and stripped out the bar. When we bought the buildings at Sannox, this is what the old pub looked like…

^^ The Old Pub At Sannox ~ 2018 ^^


Returning to Bedroom 1

This next photograph shows the en-suite bathroom + shower + wash-hand-basin + w.c. It is one of the two “premier” rooms in the hotel. Both bedrooms 1 and 2 have excellent sea views and relatively luxurious en-suite bathrooms (for an elderly coaching-inn). These two “premier” bedrooms balance the two “mid-range” rooms at the side and two “economy” rooms to the rear.

^^ Ensuite Bathroom & Shower Room For Bedroom 1 ^^

The pitch roof and all walls had the insulation as specified by our architect fitted. Hence a very slight mismatch between the bathroom tiles on the southern and northern walls. When the pitch roof was exposed, it had no insulation whatsoever (not one of the pitched roofs on the first floor had any insulation). That has now been fully remedied: all pitched roofs (and flat roofs and walls) at Sannox Hotel have full an high specification, modern insulation.

^^ During Final Renovation: May 2024 ^^

^^ Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

Getting very close to the point where Sannox Hotel will be ready to re-open… 

^^ During Final Renovation: May 2024 ^^

^^ Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^


Sannox Hotel

Guest Bedroom 2

Old Photo Before Renovation

^^ Bedroom 2, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ Before Renovation: February 2018 ^^

Every room in the Sannox Hotel has been stripped back to the brickwork. Where damp has been detected, the rendering on the outside has been removed and allowed to dry. Any affected areas have been treated to remove and repel any mould. Thereafter each room has been insulated with the interstitial areas vented in accordance with Building Control. 

^^ Bedroom 2, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ Photo During Renovation ^^

^^ Interstitial Voids Fully Vented To Building Regs ^^

The Victorians knew a thing or two about mould. They knew to vent their bedrooms for 15 to 20 minutes every morning. The average human being expels about 130g of water vapour into their bedroom every night (click here).

=> We will be placing brass plaques in all staff house keeping areas at Sannox Hotel to ensure all rooms, especially bedrooms are properly vented every morning in order to avoid mould problems again.

The key to ensuring this mould avoidance works well is to have high quality insulation so that the building warms back up in a prompt and economic manner. Hence a considerable amount of expenditure insulating each room and  and plastering + redecorating them too.

^^ Bedroom 2, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ Bedroom 2, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ During Renovation ^^

^^ Bedroom 2, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

New insulation + replastered + redecorated + rewired + new fire safety system installed + new central heating + new double glazing. In every room.

^^ Bedroom 2, Sannox Hotel ^^

Underlay being fitted to assist with heat and sound insulation between rooms.

Also, a reminder of what the old, worn out window looked like before it was extracted and the new windows were fitted… 

Old Dilapidated Windows

All Have Been Replaced With Bespoke New Double Glazing

^^ Bedroom 2, Old Window Now Removed ^^

The View Is Still Sublime: Especially On Sunny Days.

^^ Bedroom 2, New Carpet Fitted ^^

^^ New Bed Frame Now Put Together ^^

^^ Bedroom 2, Sannox Hotel ^^

^^ Final Furlong Towards Reopening ^^

^^ After Renovation: Photo 25 May 2024 ^^

^^ En~suite Bathroom For Bedroom 2 ^^

Old Pine Panelling To Be Changed & New Toilet To Be Installed

^^ En~suite Bathroom For Bedroom 2 ^^

^^ En~suite Bathroom For Bedroom 2 ^^

^^ 23rd March 2024 – Tidied Up ^^

^^ Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^


Sannox Hotel

Guest Bedroom 3

Old Photo Before Renovation

^^ Bedroom 3, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ Before Renovation: February 2018 ^^

^^ Bedroom 3, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ Before Renovation: February 2018 ^^

Every room in the Sannox Hotel has been stripped back to the brickwork surface. New insulation has been fitted (walls and pitched ceilings), new bespoke double glazing, fully rewired, new safety fire alarm system, fully replumbed, roof renewal/overhaul, full redecoration, new carpets and furniture.

^^ Bedroom 3, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ After Renovation: Photo 25 May 2024 ^^

^^ Bedroom 3, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ After Renovation: Photo 25 May 2024 ^^

^^ Bedroom 3, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ After Renovation: Photo 25 May 2024 ^^

Every wall in the renovated Sannox Hotel has been insulated. In some cases, this has enabled wardrobe space to be built in and in such a way as to remove tired, dilapidated old stand-alone wardrobes that take up a disproportionate amount of space in our economy rooms…

^^ Bedroom 3, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ After Renovation: Photo 25 May 2024 ^^

^^ Bedroom 3, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ After Renovation: Photo 25 May 2024 ^^

^^ Bedroom 3, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ After Renovation: Photo 25 May 2024 ^^

This room: Bedroom 3 is ready for carpeting and furniture. The shower and W.C is fully functional and our resident project manager will be moving back from Bedroom 4 into this Bedroom 3 for the duration of remaining 10% to 15% of renovation works to the “Completion Certificate” for the Planning Permission is signed. 

^^ Photos of Bedroom 3 Watermarked: 25 May 2024 ^^


Sannox Hotel

Guest Bedroom 4

Old Photo Before Renovation

^^ Bedroom 4, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ Before Renovation: February 2018 ^^

This was originally a small bedroom in the owner’s accommodation section. 

=> It was another in a comprehensive range of damp, cold, draughty musty smelling rooms that were way past their sell-by date.

In order to make this an additional guest bedroom (number 4) with a decent area of bedroom space plus a whole new en~suite bathroom, the old lathe and plaster wall had to be removed. These parts are often unseen, but we find that folk, ranging from our guests to shareholders have an interest in how the final rooms were created. So after the architect and Building Control officer were consulted,  we have a demolition phase. The aim is to reach this stage in the days that Bedroom 4 was rebuilt.

^^ Bedroom 4, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ During Renovation: June 2021 ^^

To get to the phase where Bedroom 4 has extra space in what were previously modest sized coaching-in style bedrooms and enlarge this room so that will become a new, quality “Guest Bedroom 4”, the old wall, noted with “1” + “2” + “3” + “4” below in the the next photograph requires removing. It was confirmed as “non-load-bearing” and could simply be removed. Or rather “carefully removed” making sure all electricity cabling and water pipes were permanently off. Then a significant amount of hard work…

^^ Bedroom 4, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ During Renovation: June 2021 ^^

It was a lot of work for what may seem a small increase in room area. But having slept in this room before the transformation and after, the increase in area, plus new insulation and bespoke double glazing, now make this a favourite room.

^^ Bedroom 4 Being Enlarged ^^

^^ & Adding A New Ensuite Bathroom ^^

^^ During Renovation: June 2021 ^^

^^ Bedroom 4 Being Enlarged ^^

^^ & Adding A New Ensuite Bathroom ^^

^^ During Renovation: June 2021 ^^

^^ Bedroom 4 Being Enlarged ^^

^^ & Adding A New Ensuite Bathroom ^^

^^ During Renovation: June 2021 ^^

^^ Bedroom 4 Being Enlarged ^^

^^ & Adding A New Ensuite Bathroom ^^

^^ During Renovation: June 2021 ^^

^^ Bedroom 4 Being Enlarged ^^

^^ & Adding A New Ensuite Bathroom ^^

^^ During Renovation: June 2021 ^^

^^ Bedroom 4 Being Enlarged ^^

^^ & Adding A New Ensuite Bathroom ^^

^^ During Renovation: June 2021 ^^

In addition to the back-to-bricks full renovation, we included a modest but important enlargement the footprint of this room and adding a new, private  en~suite bathroom and W.C. This was to increase the number of guest bedrooms from 3 to 7 with a capacity that was a maximum of SIX guests and will soon accommodate FOURTEEN paying guests plus either 1 or 2 owner or staff in the ground floor apartment (formerly the public house cellar  the rear of the hotel).

^^ Bedroom 4, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

Behind the stud framework is the new en-suite bathroom. In front is the enlarged “Guest Bedroom 4”. 

The creation of more floor space in the room (especially given the characterful, but low pitched ceilings). The price of the enlarged, better quality Guest bedroom 4 with a new ensuite bathroom is the loss of an old, damp, cold, former owner’s bedroom (reinstated in the space on the ground floor made free by judicious se of rooms and a good measure of lateral thinking (plus a very good architect).

^^ Old Bedroom From Owner’s Old Apartment ^^

This bedroom no longer exists. Well it does, but it is now an en-suite bathroom and w.c., for the new, rebuilt “Guest bedroom 4”. The majority of hotels guests are much, much happier with their own private en-suite bathroom. There was a lot of work involved in creating the additional “Guest Bedroom 4,” but it makes the hotel bedrooms much more lettable. Indeed, from a lifetime’s experience working in the hotel sector, having en-suite bedrooms gives crucial repeat business a boost too.

^^ Old Owner’s Room Helps Make Sannox Hotel Viable ^^

It is just about possible to see how the old bedroom (moved to the ground floor where the old pub cellar used to be), has now become the ensuite bathroom and the enlarged area for the new “Guest Bedroom 4”..

These photographs are included to illustrate the amount of work invested into making Sannox Hotel fit for the next 50 years and viable. There are only 12 hotels left on the Island of Arran (still a healthy number of B&Bs). But he last dozen hotels need protecting as the loss of amenity is felt by islanders and visitors alike. Plus the loss of any more hotels to holiday homes cost island jobs. Hence the efforts to bring Sannox Hotel up to a high standard for the future.

The two photos above show the sacrificial use of an old bedroom from the previous owner’s layout.

^^ All of Sannox Hotel Was Thoroughly Insulted ^^

Both For Guest Comfort & To Keep Heating Bills Viable

=> The Schedule of Works took a several-week cost hit to turn Sannox Hotel from a very modest 3-bedroom hotel to a much more useful and viable 7-bedroom hotel, with the disability friendly ground-floor bedroom/apartment. 

Plus extra elements such as cupboard for use by house staff and placement of a secondary water tank supply system for the faster provision of hot water through a new sophisticated new plumbing system. The wall is double insulated to avoid noises of water tank permeating through to the bathroom and then to Guest Bedroom 4. But we believe these efforts are worth it because there is a a significant social amenity at the Sannox Hotel and also 12 jobs too.

As just one example relating to two rooms out of this 46-room building: here is the old, cold, draughty, damp bedroom 4… 

^^ Old Bedroom From Owner’s Old Apartment ^^

Note the “extra” electric heater in this photo. It was much needed. This is due to low-efficiency (ancient) central heating, NO insulation and dilapidated double glazing which caused a bad damp problem. All now remedied. The addition of new interior walls and high-specification Ecotherm insulation throughout the hotel (illustrated in the Bedroom 2 segment above) is one of the reasons that space was eventually needed and this is another reason for sacrificing the old bedroom from the previous owner’s flat.

Approximately 90% of the Planning Permission and renovation work to remedy the dilapidations have now completed (with approximately 10% still to go as of June 2024). This can be seen here in the renovated Guest Bedroom 4.

^^ A Significantly Larger & New Bedroom 4 ^^

^^ Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ Project Manager’s Temporary Room ^^

^^ After Renovation: Photo 25 May 2024 ^^

^^ New Bedroom 4, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ Project Manager’s Temporary Room ^^

^^ After Renovation: Photo 25 May 2024 ^^

This room is being utilised temporarily by the resident project-manager.

^^ Sannox Hotel: New Bedroom 4 ^^

^^ Project Manager’s Temporary Residence ^^

^^ & Effective Site Office For The Time Being ^^

To assist the buildings insurance underwriters, here is a very recent couple of photographs taken by Mr Paul Rutherford on 25th May 2025 of the fully renovated (and as per Planning Permission, the new, additional) “Guest Bedroom 4”.

This new en~suite guest bedroom is one of two “mid-range” rooms that are being priced accordingly for our guests. Even so, each “mid range” guest room still has a reasonable view…

^^ Bedroom 4, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ After Renovation: Photo 25 May 2024 ^^

The new bathroom is structurally complete and awaiting installation of the bath + pedestal sink + w.c. also there is a bespoke opaque double glazed window, so in order to avoid damp and mould (for guests that don’t crack open a window an inch or two), there is a new air exhaust fan and extraction system to be installed.

^^ The New Ensuite Bathroom For Bedroom 4 ^^

^^ During Renovation: Photo 25 May 2024 ^^

The Bathroom Components Are All Present

The Plumber Is On Standby

For sure the hard work has been completed (moving walls and sorting out Building Regs + joiners + electricians + plumbers etc.

This room, Bedroom 4 had one of the old owner’s apartment rooms re-used to provide a en~suite bathroom.

^^ Photo of New Bedroom 4 Watermarked: 25 May 2024 ^^


Sannox Hotel

Guest Bedroom 5

Old Photo Before Renovation

This was part of the former owner’s living accommodation. The water ingress was particularly bad…

^^ New Bedroom 5, Sannox Hotel ^^

^^ This Is What “Back-To-Brick” Renovation Looks Like ^^

The first place to start at with many renovations, is the roof. The whole roof at Sannox Hotel and gutters + valleys have been either overhauled or completely rebuilt/replaced. The dedicated page featuring the Ground-Floor of Sannox Hotel has several interesting segments and photos relating to the substantial replacement of all flat roofs with new, Norther Lighthouse Board based building materials used (for longevity and robustness).

This conversion to a new “En-suite Guest bedroom  5” started with the repair of the leaking roof by a professional (and highly skilled) roofing contractor…

^^ Above Bedroom 5, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ During Renovation: 23rd May 2020 ^^

Subject To Covid Safety Protocol: Click Here.

The photo above was roughly outlined in blue as the roofing contractor wanted to let us know the minimum of replacement timbers and roof slates (plus wood treatment) area that required attention. (also, much of this work was done remotely during the pandemic lockdown with site visits cut down to once a week).

^^ Above Bedroom 5, Sannox Hotel, Isle of Arran ^^

^^ During Renovation: 23rd May 2020 ^^

It is important to mention that during the Covid19 pandemic, we were able to have DAILY detailed site meetings via remote video cameras between mainland based directors and island based directors/project managers. Modern technology has helped us make progress and likely save a whole year off of this tortuous process.

=> When the mainland-based directors made their visits to the renovation works, it was a delight to see such professional repair work…

^^ Above Bedroom 5 ^^

^^ Roof Repair & Renewal Now Complete ^^

^^ High Quality Lead Materials ^^

^^ Replaced Low Quality Galvanised Valley Work ^^

This part of the renovations was almost a case of “over-engineering” the roof works. We were absolutely delighted with the quality of the replacement valley work.

Returning to what is being protected by the overhauled roof and back to the new “Guest Bedroom 5” we can see this now taking shape…

^^ New Bedroom 5, Sannox Hotel ^^

^^ During The Renovation Phase ^^

^^ New Bedroom 5, Sannox Hotel ^^

^^ During The Renovation Phase ^^

^^ New Bedroom 5, Sannox Hotel ^^

^^ During The Renovation Phase ^^

There is little difference in the two photos of “Guest Bedroom 5” above from last year to this (mainly because it is pretty much completed). The central heating radiator is now installed and fire safety alarm pyro-cabling ready for the sensor head (on the ceiling).

The main reason the Sannox Hotel is semi-dormant (not re-opened, but a lot of completion work still ongoing) is due to the major Scottish Government ferry problems. Taking EIGHT years to build a replacement ferry. It was in ways of keeping folk employed, similar in its effect to the pandemic. By that we mean, had we re-opened Sannox Hotel during a period when the ferries were still in chaos, this would have risked a bad situation of laying newly employed staff off of their new jobs because the ferries (and tourism) is currently being so adversely affected (click here).

=> Fortunately, now, in June 2024, there are SIX NEW FERRIES on their way to the West Coast islands. Arran is to receive the two largest ferries.

It makes sense to co-ordinate the re-opening of the Sannox Hotel when the NEW ferries are actually running on their Arran route (one of the six new ferries being launched on the 8th June 2024: click here).

So we are working towards getting Sannox Hotel ready for the new season (with the new ferries on service) for March 2025.

^^ New Bedroom 5, Sannox Hotel ^^

^^ During The Renovation Phase ^^

The ceiling cables are for the new fire safety system: the “heads” are yet to be installed.

This next photograph is from March 2018 when the old bathroom that was servicing the owner’s accommodation was still in situ.

There was NO insulation and the old double glazing was over 25 years old and did not fit, not close properly. There was a dampness in the room from mould.

^^ Old Bathroom ^^

^^ Servicing The Owner’s Accommodation: 2018 ^^

During the renovation, the entire room had all of the dirty/damaged equipment removed and also the double glazing renewed with bespoke modern units.

The room was fully insulated and dry-lined with the correct grade of plasterboard ready for the new bathroom and shower to be installed…

^^ New Bathroom ^^

^^ Ready For Final Fitting Out ^^

This Is The En~suite For The New Guest Bedroom 5.

^^ New Bathroom ^^

^^ Ready For Final Fitting Out ^^

This Is The En~suite For The New Guest Bedroom 5.

The view from Guest Bedroom 5 window is not the best within Sannox Hotel, but this is a “mid-range” room and will be available at an economic rate…

^^ Guest Bedroom 5 ^^

^^ View From One of Two New Windows ^^

In order to prove the veracity of the recent photographs taken within the past couple of weeks, here is a screenshot from the camera-phone belonging to our director David Rutherford’s brother Paul…


Sannox Hotel

Guest Bedroom 6

Old Photo Before Renovation

As can be seen by this initial photograph of what will become “Guest Bedroom 6” there are some unusual rain-water goods and roof guttering IN THE WALL…

^^ Bedroom 6: A Leaky Secret ^^

This turns out to be the very OLD wall that was originally an outside wall before the second house was built onto the back of the first house many decades ago.

When it rains and IF the central valley between the two very large roof pitches gets clogged with leaves, this happens…

^^ Bedroom 6 – Leaky Secret In Action ^^

To repair this properly cost £3,646.

It was well worth the effort as the work, done properly, cured many roof leaks.

On the other side of the pitched roof above “Guest Bedroom 6” and indeed above a major part of the hotel ground floor rooms too Specifically where the two buildings that had been joined together to make a hotel.

^^ Guest Bedroom 6 ^^

Historic Evolution From A House To  Hotel ^^

The Renewed & Leaded Valley Is Marked “X

Around 1948 an additional house was built onto the back of the first house and it became the Ingledene Hotel (where Victor Meldrew actor Richard Wilson grew up). Around 1999 the hotel was renamed “Sannox Bay Hotel.” Then in 2018 we shortened that to “Sannox Hotel” with an homage to the Special Boat Service (SBS) born in this building, and we renamed the tearoom after the “Ingledene.” Mainly so that relatives can find this building as it is important to the families of WW2 Veterans ~ SBS Sannox plaque at the Imperial War Museum in London: Click Here.

^^ Guest Bedroom 6 ^^

All Bedroom Renovation Work Completed

^^ Guest Bedroom 6 ^^

All Bedroom Renovation Work Completed

The work that remains is to install a new shower + w.c + fitted hand wash basin in the en-suite bathroom…

^^ Guest Bedroom 6 ^^

Diminutive Shower Room & WC Awaiting Installation

The view from Guest Bedroom 6 window is not the best within Sannox Hotel, but this is a “mid-range” room and will be available at an economic rate (and identical excepting about 8 feet difference, to Guest Bedroom 5)…

^^ Guest Bedroom 6 ^^

^^ View From One of Two New Windows ^^

In order to prove the veracity of the recent photographs taken within the past couple of weeks, here is a screenshot from the camera-phone belonging to our director David Rutherford’s brother Paul…


Recent External Film

In addition to some random external photographs, this video of when Paul Rutherford and his son were visiting at the Sannox Hotel may provide the external pictures sought by the insurance underwriters…

^^ Sannox Hotel: External Pitures ^^

This Video Film Was Taken

On The 25th May 2024.


In Summary

Sannox Hotel has benefitted from…

New Walls + New Insulation + New Double Glazed Windows. New Fire Reg., New Doors & Seals. Fully Rewired. New Fire Safety System. New Central Heating. New Plumbing. New Roofworks and Much More.


Contact Details

If the insurers brokers and/or underwriters have any questions, they are warmly welcome to get in touch with the Managing Director of Sannox Hotel Ltd., Russ McLean

Telephone: 01241 852127


Mobile/Text: 0757 2768 795


^^ Sannox Hotel ^^

Third Building In From The Right



It is hoped the recent photographs as included in the narrative above will be sufficient for the purposes and reassurance of the underwriters.

The owner’s Sannox Hotel on the island of Arran are pressing the Scottish Government to sort out the (monopoly) ferry mess.

Immediately that the two new ferries, the MV Glen Sannox and MV Glen Rosa are deployed to the Arran Island lifeline ferry route, then the Sannox Hotel will be re-opened.

It was always a popular hotel, and shall be again.

Best regards,


Russ McLean, Director, Sannox Hotel Ltd, Sannox, The Island of Arran, KA27 8JD.

HQ Telephone: 01241 852127.

Sannox Hotel: 01770 810226

Mobile/Text: 0757 2768 795. 


A Main Reason & Viideo

As To Why The Sannox Hotel

Is Very Popular When Open & Trading

^^ Sannox Hotel & Beach ^^

Mountain climbers emerge from Glen Sannox, turn right and in a few steps, the first place for miles that they can obtain a warm meal and hot beverage plus a nice room for the night for several miles is the Sannox Hotel.

We are very, very keen to complete this marathon renovation plus newbuild and get the Sannox Hotel back open again.

^^ Sannox Hotel When Open & Trading ^^

^^ Sannox Hotel When Open & Trading ^^

^^ Sannox Hotel Prior To Closure Around 2015 ^^

^^ Sannox Hotel The Day We Bought This Building ^^

28th February 2018

^^ Sannox Hotel ^^

^^ Easy To ID: White Wall In Front ^^

^^ Sannox Hotel ^^

Between Mountain Sea & By Sandy Beach
